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Top 5 Wifi hacking tools

In every ‪‎seminar‬/workshop i am bombarded with questions what is the best tool to hack wifi password. So thought to write on it.

Before that let me tell you that there are two major types of wifi encryption is there. ‎WEP‬ and ‪‎WPA‬.

WEP is out dated and can be ‪cracked‬ within minutes. WPA and WAP2 are difficult to crack.

1. Aircrack:

This is my favourite tool. You can use it for both WEP and WPA‪ racking‬. Aircrack uses the best algorithms to recover wireless ‪passwords‬ by capturing packets.

2. Kismet:

This is the wi-fi 802.11 a/b/g/n layer2 wireless network ‪‎sniffer‬ and IDS. It works with any wi-fi card which supports rfmon mode. It passively collects packets to identify networks and detect hidden networks.

3. CoWPAtty:

Easy to use but works little bit slow. An automated dictionary ‪‎attack‬tool for WPA-PSK.

4. Airjack:

Wi-Fi 802.11 packet injection tool. This wireless cracking tool is very useful in injecting forged packets and making a network down by denial of service attack. This tool can also be used for a man in the middle attack in the network.

5. AirSnort:

Good for ‪‎breaking‬ WEP passwords. It works by passively monitoring transmissions, and then computing the encryption key when enough packets have been gathered. Though no updates are available for this tool but it's still good one.

There are many tools which I didn't list here. Let me know your favourite wifi hacking tools also. Happy Hacking…

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