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12 Jan, 2021
1.13 Crore Indian Users' Data On Sale At Dark Web

Cybercriminals are rapidly turning their way to India. After the recent JusPay data breach confirmation, another 3 Indian companies got exploited by the black hat hackers. It is expected that around 1.3 crore users' data were breached from these companies.

The companies are identified as ClickIndia, ChqBook and WedMeGood.

Cyber security researcher, Mr. Rajshekhar Rajaharia has identified the case. Just like JusPay masked card details available on Dark Web, the data collected from the 3 companies has been found for sale on the illegal platform.

As per reports, the hackers are likely to be "SHINY HUNTERS."

Mr. Rajshekhar Rajaharia stated:
"Nearly 80 lakh users of ClickIndia (name, email, mobile and other personal details), 10 lakh users of ChqBook (name, email, mobile, full address and other personal details) and 13 lakh users of WedMeGood (name, email, hashed password, other sensitive personal information),"

On this incident, CheqBook has clearly rejected the claims of any data breach. Whereas, the other two have not come up with their statements yet.

According to Mr. Sonit Jain— CEO of Gajshield Infotech, such incidents leave a negative impression on digital payment platforms.

Mr. Jain stated:
"Simple data like email ID and phone number which may not look sensitive can turn out to be lethal means of financial fraud at personal level, if fallen in wrong hands,"

Independent cyber researcher Mr. Rajshekhar Rajaharia told in his article that SHINY HUNTER has targeted companies till now:

  • WedMeWOOD

The fact remains on a thin thread, in this digital era of making monetary transactions online is easy and fast, but there is always a question on reliability.

Online transaction and monetary handling is somehow exposed to risk and chances of big loss stays at the court of the customer and hard earned goodwill of a company is at stake.

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